What I Hate About the Boom

I live in Havre Montana, in Hill county which is a natural Gas county, not a oil county. We are surrounded by oil North, South, East and West. Housing was tight 5 years ago now that he bakken is 5 hours away and only one company in Havre has experience some activity, they posted in the paper it is coming our way. The bakken formation does not reach this far west It ends at Wolf Point and there are several formations at least 6 in Montana. Now the rent is going thru the roof and people are sitting on their home with outragous prices. It is not expected to even Hit here, we may get just the risdual effects. Yes I am excited about it because I am in the Natural Gas field and this effects my business and future ventures. But I am a women and I may start to feel like I live in a foreign country and hide behinde a veil or I wil not carry a concealled weapon but put it in full view for all to see that I mean business, do not mess with me.

-Michelle Myskewitz-Bibeau


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