Posts Tagged ‘food’

Woo Pig Sooie

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Arkansas will always be home to Oscar Everetts, but that didn’t stop him from coming to North Dakota to make ribs for roughnecks. Oscar and another friend from the Razorback state arrived in the oil patch in October and stuck it out until winter sent them back home a couple of months later. They’re back now at a makeshift stand on the side of Highway 2, just west of Ray.

Story by Todd Melby

Photos by Phillip Batta

Made possible by a grant from the North Dakota Humanities Council

No View, No Seats: Maeda’s Tasty Tacos

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

Boomtowns bring with them appetites. Restaurants catering to oil workers in western North Dakota try to meet diners’ demands. But waits are long, and so are lines for drive-thrus. One solution is the food truck. In Williston, one food truck is putting an authentic twist on Mexican takeaway.

Story by Diane Richard

Photos by Todd Melby

May We Take Your Order?

A Visit to the 4P BBQ Food Shack

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

When a group of guys from Kalispell, Montana, arrived in the oil patch, they didn’t find many places to eat. So instead of looking for jobs, they opened a BBQ shack. The 4P is located along a mostly deserted stretch of Highway 23 in Keene, North Dakota. Its surroundings are humble: Tucked inside a small, green building is a pair of plastic picnic tables, some beat-up beige carpet and a fridge that looks older than the young men working there.